DELF B2 speaking test

Presentation and proceedings of DELF B2 oral production

Production orale DELF B2
DELF B2 speaking test lasts approximately 20 minutes and is in two parts: a followed monologue (5 to 7 minutes) and an interactive exercise (10 to 13 minutes). The candidate will have to draw two subjects and choose one of the two subjects. Then he will have 30 minutes of preparation.

To better understand DELF B2 speaking test and to get an idea of DELF B2 oral production topics, we advise you to study sample papers:

- DELF B2 for schools and junior version sample papers

- DELF B2 sample papers

- DELF Pro B2 sample papers.

Video of an example of DELF B2 speaking test

The video below is an example of DELF B2 for schools and junior version oral production:

1st part of DELF B2 speaking test, followed monologue: defense of a point of view argued

The followed monologue of DELF B2 oral production lasts between 5 to 7 minutes. Here, the candidate must identify the problem raised by the document and present his opinion on the subject in a clear and reasoned manner.

This part is rated on 7 points out of the 25 points assigned to the DELF B2 speaking test. For this part, there are three assessment criteria:

1) Peut dégager le thème de réflexion et introduire le débat. (Can identify the theme of reflection and introduce the debate.) = 1.5 point

2) Peut présenter un point de vue en mettant en évidence des éléments significatifs et/ou des exemples pertinents. (Can present a point of view by highlighting significant elements and / or relevant examples.) = 3 points

3) Peut marquer clairement les relations entre les idées. (Can clearly mark the relationships between ideas.) = 2.5 points

2nd part of DELF B2 speaking test, interactive exercise: debate

The interactive exercise (the debate) of DELF B2 oral production lasts between 10 to 13 minutes. Following his presentation, the candidate will have to defend his point of view during a discussion with the examiner.

This part is rated on 6 points out of the 25 points assigned to the DELF B2 speaking test. For this part, there are two assessment criteria:

1) Peut confirmer et nuancer ses idées et ses opinions, apporter des précisions. (Can confirm and qualify his ideas and opinions, provide clarification.) = 3 points

2) Peut réagir aux arguments et déclarations d’autrui pour défendre sa position. (May react to the arguments and statements of others to defend his position.) = 3 points

Evaluation du lexique, de la grammaire et de la prononciation de la PO du DELF B2

As we saw above, the two parts of the DELF B2 oral production are on 13 points on the 25 points of the DELF B2 speaking test. To be simple, the assessment criteria of those two parts correspond with practical, pragmatic skills. The 12 points left are assessed on the language control: lexicon (vocabulary), morphosyntax (grammar), phonological system (pronunciation) and for the whole two parts. The assessment criteria are:

1) Lexicon (vocabulary range and accuracy): possède une bonne variété de vocabulaire pour varier sa formulation et éviter des répétitions ; le vocabulaire est précis mais des lacunes et des confusions subsistent. (has a good variety of vocabulary to vary its formulation and avoid repetitions; the vocabulary is precise but gaps and confusions remain.) = 4 points

2) Morphosyntax: a un bon contrôle grammatical, malgré de petites fautes syntaxiques. (has good grammatical control, despite small syntactic mistakes.) = 5 points

3) Control of the phonological system: a acquis une prononciation et une intonation claires et naturelles. (has acquired a clear and natural pronunciation and intonation.) = 3 points

Further information on DELF B2 speaking test

You may consult and download the instructions, the assessment grid and past exam papers of the DELF B2 oral production on these pages:

- DELF B2 for schools and junior version sample papers

- DELF B2 sample papers

- DELF Pro B2 sample papers.

We recommend that you work on the last version of the DELF B2 speaking test assessment grid. We advise you to study this assessment grid, because it is on it that you will be assessed and marked. So, if you well control the assessment criteria and you fit them well, you will get the maximum of points.

You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF B2.

You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF B2 Junior and for schools.